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Breaking Barriers: Supporting Female Veterans on International Womens Day

Breaking Barriers: Supporting Female Veterans on International Womens Day

Today, on #International Women’s Day, the world honours the achievements of women across all walks of life. At Combat Stress, we’re also advocating for gender equality, something we feel is increasingly relevant for female veterans.

Despite women making up an increasing percentage of the UK Armed Forces, comparatively little research has been undertaken to examine the needs and experiences of female veterans. Studies have shown that female veterans are more likely to experience higher rates of mental health disorders, but a lack of tailored services leave many without suitable support.

As part of our dedication to female veterans, we continue to conduct research that focuses on their unique needs and experiences. To date, we have conducted the largest study of this kind, with a focus on sexual harassment, rape, bullying, and assault during service.

For those female veterans who seek our help, our specialist support includes women-only support groups, the choice of a female or male clinician, and group or individual therapy.
As someone who cares about veteran mental health, thank you for helping us to provide the expert help and advice some female veterans need to overcome military trauma.